RSSAll Entries in the "Causes" Category

Happy Juneteenth!

cross-posted at Momma, here come that girl again! Happy Juneteenth! Juneteenth, June 19, is traditionally recognized as the day the last slaves, in Texas, learned of their freedom. Think of it as the Fourth of July for slaves and their descendants. Here’s a website with history and suggestions for parties. Now. Since my last posting, […]

Generation Xed Out

I hardly watch TV since I feel guilty about the multiple other tasks I could be completing while sitting in front of the boob tube. In the same amount of time I could allow the television to draw away my attention, I could be writing a new chapter in my book, finishing a lecture, improving a marketing plan, or curiously researching a fascinating topic. Therefore, catching ABC News’ Earth 2100 was indeed a rare and inadvertent event. I just happened to be looking for the following day’s weather forecast, when I stumbled upon the program and was immediately drawn in, as if I were standing on the event horizon of a black hole. Earth 2100 painted the picture I had in my mind of capitalism’s dire consequences.

Make it Plain: Malcolm Day

Check out our brethren, the Sons of Malcolm

Grilled Chicken as Reparations for Slavery!!

…jk, just wanted to get your attention.  While reading one of the GREATEST BOOKS EVER WRITTEN, I came across one of the best arguments in favor of reparations ever written: Consequently, while prior forms of White domination and exploitation of Blacks may have ceased and desisted, the economic injustices and inequalities they imposed continue unabated.  […]


More often than not, we tend to look at history and give the events and people in it a Godlike aura. We dare not question the success of yesterday or feel as blasphemers to our race. But what if the successes of today lay in just that, questioning the “successes” of yesterday? I say that […]

Racism is Session(s)

crossposted at Momma, Here Come That Girl Again! On the eve of Pres. Obama’s crucial nomination of a justice to replace David Souter on the Supreme Court, the Republicans have chosen Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to replace Sen. Arlen Spector (presently D-PA) as ranking member on the senate’s judicial committee. I think it’s important to […]

Interview With Rhymefest – Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy and Politics

Real talk from Rhymefest about his real occupation. Check him rocking the dN Definition tee during the interview.

Free Knowledge Friday: Who are you?

These videos touch on a very important subject as most of us are embarrassingly ignorant of our history and the effect of rampant Eurocentricity on us today.  That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with European culture, but when you put another people’s culture over your own consciously or subconsciously there are bound to be […]

Why I am a Socialtarian

by D. Walker Join The Movement! I voted for Barack Obama but I am not a Democrat.  Before you get your hopes up Michael Steele, let me say that I also do not agree with the Republican party platform.  So if I don’t fit into either of those two injudicious boxes, where do I fall […]

Teach the Babies

by Tre B. Another testament to the failure of the Black and white media and my own ignorance, I just recently discovered these two great Black-controlled institutions in Atlanta: The Nsoromma School and the Imhotep Center of Education.  They take an Afrikan-centered approach emphasizing Afrikan values “to develop the whole child – the mental, physical, […]

Dead Prez: Politrikkks

First single off the upcoming Dead Prez album: Information Age [youtube=]

You Can Have The Presidency, If I Could Have These Things

by Dr. Boyce Watkins Barack Obama’s voice booms high into the clouds as our nation’s president. But it is also a voice that is sometimes muted by policy, distorted by conflicting agendas and distracted by the complexities of the world in which we live. I find myself mildly disturbed by the excessive celebration within our […]

F*** Joe the Plumber: Economic Equality and The Myth of “Free Markets”

by Tre B. Now I’m no expert economist, so like Levar Burton used to say on Reading Rainbow, “You don’t have to take my word for it…”  However, there are some commentators in the media, who claim to be experts, telling outright lies.  Maybe it’s intentional or maybe they’re just ignorant, but let me […]

COINTELPRO: The FBI’s War Against Black America pt 1 of 5


The Bailout and Reparations

By Tre Millyanz I just have one point to make to all you hankerchief-headed Negroes out there that don’t “believe” in reparations…you can’t ever say that the U.S. can’t afford to give reparations to Blacks in America (for slavery and Jim Crow semi-slavery).  They spend $700 billion for a bailout and have a $661 billion budget […]

Paying College Athletes

Dr Boyce Watkins Quick FYI: I will be on the Jesse Jackson Show tomorrow morning from 8 – 10 am. A list of cities is here. Some of you know that I have been in an on-going campaign to challenge the NCAA on the fact that they do not compensate the families of college […]