RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "malcolm x"

Make it Plain: Independent Afrikan Education

Another episode from our brethren, the Sons of Malcolm.  This speaks to a very important issue in our community.  Most of us don’t even realize how major this issue is, which just proves the point further.

Make it Plain: Malcolm Day

Check out our brethren, the Sons of Malcolm

Free Knowledge Friday: Malcolm X

A little wisdom from El Hajj Malik El Shabazz

Quote of the Moment: Malcolm X

“You have whites in the community who express sincerity when they say they want to help. Well, how can they help? How can a white person help the black man solve his problem? Number one, you can’t solve it for him. You can help him solve it, but you can’t solve it for him today.” […]

Dead Prez: Politrikkks

First single off the upcoming Dead Prez album: Information Age [youtube=]

You Can Have The Presidency, If I Could Have These Things

by Dr. Boyce Watkins Barack Obama’s voice booms high into the clouds as our nation’s president. But it is also a voice that is sometimes muted by policy, distorted by conflicting agendas and distracted by the complexities of the world in which we live. I find myself mildly disturbed by the excessive celebration within our […]

COINTELPRO: The FBI’s War Against Black America pt 1 of 5
